
Archive for the ‘Facility Management’ Category

SUPDET 2015 – Conference On Suppression & Detection

April 13th, 2015 Comments off

2015 SUPDET - Suppression, Detection, Signaling ConferenceNFPA’s Fire Protection Research Foundation hosted this year’s conference on suppression and detection in Orlando, Florida. Presented were the latest research and developments in the fire protection industry that included a diverse cross-section of subjects, such as the effect of ceiling fans on smoke alarm performance, corrosion inhibition of dry and pre-action fire suppression systems, effect of obstructions on ESFR sprinklers, fire suppression in Li-Ion based electric vehicles, and many more. Read more…

Assessing Asphyxiation Risks

January 7th, 2015 Comments off

AsphyxiationThe risk of asphyxiation, a condition of insufficient supply of oxygen to the body, is difficult to assess because of many factors that can contribute to an oxygen deficiency. However, these factors can be measured and used to calculate the risks that can lead to the hazardous conditions that would result in potential asphyxiation. The results can be used to make decisions about the installation, storage, and use of compressed gases as prescribed by state and local fire and building codes. Read more…

Sprinkler Protection Simplified

January 14th, 2013 Comments off

SprinklerProtectionHow much do you know about fire sprinkler systems? If you are a business or a building owner, an architect, or a member of the construction industry, you may be interested in some of these commonly asked questions on sprinkler protection. Explore with us sprinkler terminology, application and use of various types of sprinkler heads, issues arising from change in occupancy or change in use, solutions to common problems, and some simple ‘rules of thumb’ Read more…

Global Research Update: High Challenge Storage Protection

August 21st, 2012 Comments off

On June 27 the Research Foundation and NFPA’s international operations department presented a seminar on research to address high challenge storage protection for aerosols, lithium batteries, flammable and combustible liquids, automated storage and retrieval systems, and others. 110 attendees from 17 nations attended this event in Paris, France to explore the latest global research and emerging trends on storage protection. Read more…

ESFR Sprinklers – The Perfect Solution To Warehouse Fire Protection? (Updates)

July 11th, 2012 Comments off

Explore with us in this extended and updated article the do’s and don’ts of ESFR sprinkler systems. We added a section on the changes of the most recent 2010 edition of FM 8-9 by FM Global, and a FAQ on the instances where in-rack sprinklers are required when the building is equipped with an ESFR system Read more…

Why Do Sprinklered Buildings Have To Pay Higher Water Fees?

February 28th, 2012 Comments off

NFPASome municipal water authorities have assessed water fees related to the recovery cost of unmetered water used in the event of a fire in sprinklered buildings. However, owners and operators of unsprinklered buildings have typically not been assessed this fee – even though water usage is also unmetered during a fire. This is even more surprising given the expectation that buildings equipped with a fire protection system use less water during a fire than buildings without a fire protection system. To add to the confusion, Read more…

Advances in Dust Explosion Risk Assessment

August 15th, 2011 Comments off

Recent dust explosion accidents and their aftermath highlighted a renewed need to focus on a better understanding of the methods used in preventing these incidents. A two-phase study was commissioned by the Fire Protection Research Foundation of NFPA to develop and verify a more accurate methodology to assess dust explosion hazards while resolving the controversies associated with the current standards. Part I of this study has now been completed Read more…

Impact Of GHS On Chemical Classification

December 1st, 2010 Comments off

The Globally Harmonized Hazard Communication System (GHS) is in the process of being adopted by the US. Compliance with the new provisions will impact content and format of MSDS’es. Do you understand the changes and how they may impact your business? Read more…

ESFR Sprinklers The Perfect Solution To Warehouse Fire Protection?

November 17th, 2010 1 comment

ESFR (Early Suppression, Fast Response) sprinkler systems, have been rightfully touted as one of the best solutions and best investments in warehouse storage. But are ESFR systems an all-inclusive solution to warehouse protection? Is it the “miracle cure” to all warehousing problems? Read more…