The newest edition of NFPA 13 will be adopted as early as 2022. However, the vast majority of states and jurisdictions will be adopting the new standard in January of 2023 with California being one of these states. In this article we will be focusing on the latest changes to the storage chapters and as they compare to the 2019 Edition of this standard. Read more…
On September 28th this seminar sponsored by the State Fire Marshal Division and Fire Marshals Association of Minnesota for the 2022 Annual Minnesota Fire Marshals Conference will provide a basic understanding of the hazards associated with the operation of marijuana growing and processing facilities. The seminar is targeted towards fire and building inspectors, fire prevention officers and professionals. Discussed will be the latest fire and building codes and regulations. Read more…
We updated our popular web tools, i.e. the Asphyxiation Calculator and the NFPA 13 2016 to 2019 Edition Cross Reference Search. Adobe and Microsoft discontinued the support of Flash based applications in 2020. These new non-Flash based versions of our web tools and applications have the same functionality as the previous versions. Read more…
On November 13th in Carlsbad, CA, KnA will present a seminar on requirements contained in Chapter 32, High-Piled Combustible Storage of the 2019 Edition of the California Fire Code (CFC). We will discuss existing and new fire codes of the CFC and their references to NFPA 13 2016 (NFPA 13 2019). Read more…
On October 4th in San Diego, CA, K&A will present a course on basic requirements contained in Chapter 32, High-Piled Combustible Storage of the International Fire Code (IFC) and NFPA 13 2019 Edition. Smoke and heat vents in context of sprinkler protection will be reviewed along with aisle and maximum storage dimension requirements. Discussions also include IFC requirements for protecting storage and their effect on sprinkler system specification. Read more…
The new layout of NFPA 13 may be beneficial for new users of the standard, but it can also create confusion and dismay for experienced users as they will have to search and relocate familiar regulations and determine how these new, sometimes reworded and reformatted sections, tables, and paragraphs relate to each other. This is especially true when looking at the new in-rack Chapter 25 of NFPA 13. After using the new standard for some time now, and Chapter 25 in particular, which left me wondering on more than one occasion, I feel a need to share my experiences and observations concerning this steep learning curve. Here is a summary of my conclusions on the reformat. Read more…
On May 13th in Longbeach, CA, this 2-hour seminar sponsored by the SoCAL Fire Prevention Office will provide a basic understanding of the hazards associated with the operation of distillery and marijuana processing facilities. The seminar is targeted towards fire and building inspectors, fire prevention officers and professionals. Discussed will be the latest fire and building codes and regulations. Read more…
On October 3rd in Northridge, CA, the 2018 Fire Protection Engineering Symposium is sponsored by the Southern California Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE). Invited speakers will present hot topics in the fire protection industry. Also, the newest fire safety technologies will be exhibited. Proceeds benefit the Chapter Scholarship Fund. Come learn about fire protection engineering and support students. Read more…
On November 8th in Carlsbad, CA, this 2-hour seminar sponsored by the SoCAL Fire Prevention Office will provide a basic understanding of the hazards associated with the operation of small marijuana processing facilities. The seminar is targeted towards fire and building inspectors, fire prevention officers and professionals. Discussed will be the latest fire and building codes and regulations, including upcoming 2018 fire code regulations. Read more…
On May 11th in San Marcos, Texas, this 4-hour seminar sponsored by the SFPE Austin – San Antonio Chapter will provide a detailed understanding of the hazards associated with high-piled combustible storage. The seminar is targeted towards fire and building inspectors, fire prevention officers and professionals. Discussed will be the latest fire and building codes and regulations, in particular Chapter 32 of the International Fire Code and NFPA 13. Read more…