
Archive for the ‘Company News’ Category

K&A Seminars – Flammable and Combustible Liquids in Containers and Portable Tanks

October 14th, 2016 Comments off

Klausbruckner & Associates is announcing a new seminar for November 9th 2016. This seminar will provide a detailed overview of the latest fire and building code provisions associated with flammable and combustible liquids in containers and portable tanks. Discussed will be code changes from the 2013 to the 2016 Edition of the California Fire Code (CFC). Read more…

Mary Eriksen-Rattan Award 2016

April 4th, 2016 Comments off

CA Fire Chief AssociationElley Klausbruckner, Principal and Fire and Life Safety Code Consultant at Klausbruckner & Associates, was awarded the Mary Eriksen-Rattan Award at the Annual California Fire Prevention Institute in Buellton, California. This distinguished award was presented by the California Fire Chiefs Association on March 17th. Read more…

KnA’s Drive For The Homeless

November 20th, 2015 Comments off

People Helping PeopleOnce again, for the holiday season, Klausbruckner & Associates teamed up again with the ‘San Diego Coalition for the Homeless’ to create a Homeless Drive for the holiday season in an attempt to make a difference in our community. This drive was supported by local businesses, including Perfection Hair & Nail, and Dr. Richard Bialick, DDS. Read more…

K&A Seminar – Storage Sprinkler Protection, Micro Breweries And Distilleries

October 29th, 2015 Comments off

Klausbruckner & Associates is announcing the seminar “Storage Sprinkler Protection, Micro Breweries And Distilleries” for Wednesday, November 18th 2015. Presented are basic NFPA 13 storage requirements and fire and building code requirements related to Micro Breweries and Distilleries. Read more…

K&A Seminars Hazardous Materials – MAQ, Control Area, H-Occupancy

July 21st, 2014 Comments off

Klausbruckner & Associates is announcing the seminar “Hazardous Materials – MAQ, Control Area, H-Occupancy” for Wednesday November 12th 2014. Presented are basic fire and building code hazardous materials classifications, use of MAQs (Maximum Allowable Quantities), use of control areas in buildings, as well as separation concepts. Read more…

K&A Seminars High-Piled Storage – Now And The Future

July 9th, 2014 Comments off

Klausbruckner & Associates is announcing a new High-Piled Storage seminar for August 20th 2014. This seminar will provide a detailed overview of the latest fire and building code provisions associated with high-piled combustible storage. Discussed will be changes to the 2013 Edition of the California Fire Code (CFC) and potential changes to the 2016 CFC, as well as major changes to the 2013 NFPA 13 and potential changes to the 2016 NFPA 13. Read more…

Appointment To California Building Standards Commission

January 28th, 2014 Comments off

Seal Of The California Governor OfficeOn January 21st 2014 California Governor Jerry Brown appointed Elley Klausbruckner, owner and principal at Klausbruckner & Associates Inc., to the California Building Standards Commission. Her appointment is to be confirmed by the Senate. Read more…

K&A Supporting Local Homeless Drive

December 4th, 2013 Comments off

People Helping PeopleDuring this holiday season the Klausbruckner and Associates team set out again to make a difference in the community of San Diego setting up a ‘Homeless Drive’ for the homeless donating 100 care bags, each containing a sleeping bag, blankets, scarves, warm socks, clothes, towels, food gift certificates, toys for kids and miscellaneous personal items, some of which were donated by other businesses supporting this drive. Read more…

High-Piled Storage Seminar For Inspectors

October 17th, 2013 Comments off

Klausbruckner & Associates is announcing a “High-Piled Storage” seminar for City of San Diego Inspectors on November 20th 2013. This seminar will provide a detailed overview of the latest fire and building code provisions for resolving fire hazards associated with high-piled combustible storage. Read more…

K&A Supporting Local Charity

January 7th, 2013 Comments off


During this holiday season the Klausbruckner and Associates team set out again to make a difference in the community of San Diego setting up a ‘Let’s do it caring bag drive’ for the homeless donating over 80 bags, each containing a sleeping bag and miscellaneous personal items, some of which were donated by other businesses supporting this drive Read more…