K&A Seminars High-Piled Storage – Now And The Future
Klausbruckner & Associates is announcing a new High-Piled Storage seminar for August 20th 2014. This seminar will provide a detailed overview of the latest fire and building code provisions associated with high-piled combustible storage. Discussed will be changes to the 2013 Edition of the California Fire Code (CFC) and potential changes to the 2016 CFC, as well as major changes to the 2013 NFPA 13 and potential changes to the 2016 NFPA 13.
The seminar is part of the San Diego Fire Prevention Officers meeting, public is welcome to attend between 10 am to 12 pm for the seminar. Cost is $15 per person.
Topics will include
- Basic Commodities Classification
- California Fire Code, CFC, Requirements
- Changes to 2013 Edition of the CFC
- Possible Future Changes to 2016 Edition of the CFC
- Major Changes to the 2013 Edition of NFPA 13
- Possible future changes to the next edition (2016 Edition) of NFPA 13
For more event details, please see Section Upcoming Seminars