2009 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage Seminar
The International Code Council is offering seminars on the 2009 International Fire Code (IFC) on September 7th 2010 and October 21st 2010 with respect to the hazards associated with high-piled combustible storage. Scott Stookey, ICC, will introduce provisions in Chapter 23 of the 2009 edition of the International Fire Code and discuss them in context with design criteria in NFPA 13 for storage.
The complete course description and course registration is available from the ICC website:
“This seminar provides a basic understanding of the hazards associated with high-piled combustible storage and introduces the participants to the provisions in Chapter 23 of the 2009 edition of the International Fire Code (IFC). The seminar is based, in part, on the High-piled Combustible Storage Application Guide. In addition, because of the importance of automatic sprinkler systems in the protection of high-piled combustible storage, the seminar places special emphasis on the classification of commodities and understanding the design criteria in NFPA 13 for storage.”
Seminar Date: 9/7/10
Chapter Name: Fire Marshals Assn of Utah
Seminar Title: 2009 IFC High Piled Combustible Storage
Seminar Location: Park City, UT
This seminar will be repeated on October 21st in Des Moines IA, further information here:
Seminar Date: 10/21/10
Chapter Name: Hawkeye State Fire Safety Assn
Seminar Title: 2009 IFC High Piled Combustible Storage
Seminar Location: Des Moines, IA